Movement can replace many Drugs, but no drug can replace Movement
Sports Rehab
Conventional Rehab
Sports Rehab
Conventional Rehab
Sports Rehab
Conventional Rehab
Sports rehab and physiotherapy is complete physical and clinical assessment towards injury rehabilitation. It focuses on treating every day and occupational injuries, postural imbalances, pain and musculoskeletal conditions affecting the joints, bones and muscles. It covers different treatment modules like INTERFERENTIAL THERAPY (IFT), Ultrasound therapy, Transcutaneous Electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy other than floor rehab exercises with experienced Physiotherapists.
Sports Rehab includes Dry Needling, Cupping therapy, Kinesiology taping to relieve muscle pain, reduce muscle tightness, improve sports performance, increase blood circulation and repositioning of structure as well as facial and ligamentous correction.
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